Kelly Galvin Tirman

Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Easy Bake Oven

Easy Bake Oven

Growing up I always wanted an Easy Bake Oven, unfortunately, I never got one. To be honest I have always felt slightly jilted about this and even as an adult I have found myself wandering up and down the toy aisle trying to justify purchasing one.

As a somewhat sane 30+ year-old woman without children (yet) it just seems like the kind of product I might need to find some justification for; am I wrong? Buying it would not have been hard as most people would assume it was for my (non-existent) daughter. The hard part would be explaining myself to my husband when he came home to find me standing in our kitchen baking desserts in brightly colored toy oven.

Last week I was lucky enough to win an Easy Bake Oven from the Classy Mommy Site Warming party hosted by Resourceful Mommy. The crazy girl in me really wants to crack this puppy open and start baking Thanksgiving dinner. What do you think?

Please vote on the destiny of this Easy Bake Oven (poll closes 11pm 11/24 PST)

Update: Looks like I’ll be baking…

Poll Results

Poll Results

  • In: Social Media
  • Comments Off on The Motrin Ad that Twitter Killed.

This weekend Twitter was a buzz with upset consumers over the “Mortin ad”. Even as I write this on Monday morning the two top trending topics on Twitter search are Motrin and Motrinmoms.

The advertisement reads as follows:

Wearing your baby seems to be in fashion.
I mean, in theory it’s a great idea.
There’s the front baby carrier, sling, schwing, wrap, pouch.
And who knows what else they’ve come up with. Wear your baby on your side, your front, go hands free.
, it’s a real bonding experience.
They say that babies carried close to the bod tend to cry less than others.
But what about me? Do moms that wear their babies cry more than those who don’t?
I sure do!
These things put a ton of strain on your back, your neck, your shoulders. Did I mention your back?!
I mean, I’ll put up with the pain because it’s a good kind of pain; it’s for my kid.
Plus, it totally makes me look like an official mom.
And so if I look tired and crazy, people will understand why.
Motrin – We feel your pain.

I am not a mother (yet) and even I found the advertisement to be in poor taste. Although many are debating if the advertisement is offensive or not most people can agree that it is tacky. I for one am happy to see that the people at McNeil Consumer Healthcare are taking the backlash seriously and will be pulling the advertisement:

McNeil Consumer Healthcare Responds to Amy Gates, Crunchy Domestic Goddess. Amy posted the email:

Dear Amy –

I am the Vice President of Marketing for McNeil Consumer Healthcare. I have responsibility for the Motrin Brand, and am responding to concerns about recent advertising on our website. I am, myself, a mom of 3 daughters.

We certainly did not mean to offend moms through our advertising. Instead, we had intended to demonstrate genuine sympathy and appreciation for all that parents do for their babies. We believe deeply that moms know best and we sincerely apologize for disappointing you. Please know that we take your feedback seriously and will take swift action with regard to this ad. We are in process of removing it from our website. It will take longer, unfortunately, for it to be removed from magazine print as it is currently on newstands and in distribution.


Kathy Widmer
VP of Marketing – Pain, Pediatrics, GI, Specialty
McNeil Consumer Healthcare

Note to Motrin: Check out what @ComcastCares has been doing via Twitter; you might want to implement something along the same lines. I have a feeling this would not have blown up the way it did if there was human face that was able to engage consumers prior to the Twitterstorm starting.

Update: Babywearing international sent a response to concerning the Motrin mom-alogue campagin that I feel sums up the issues nicely. Motrin has also posted an Apology on their website.

Motrin Apology

Motrin Apology

Until recently I had never uploaded a single video to YouTube. I was essentially a YouTube virgin but that all changed the day I bought my Flip Mino. In just two short weeks I have uploaded roughly a half a dozen videos to YouTube which isn’t bad considering I have full time job and a house to manage.

Here are the main things I like about the Flip Mino:

  • It is simple: This is my third video camera in three years; sadly I have never been able to figure out the other two.
  • It is small: Let’s face it size matters. If it is too big to fit in your purse you won’t have it with you when you get inspired and want to capture something.
  • It is cute: In my world cuteness counts. The Mino is adorable which only makes me want to use it more.
  • It fun: It is so fun that I want to record everything and I mean “everything”. My husband is constantly reminding me what is and what isn’t considered YouTube worthy.

Tip: make sure you buy the tripod; as it comes in handy when you are shooting yourself and provides a more stable looking video overall.

I have to admit I never thought I would blog again. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to; matter of fact less than two years ago I even talked to Clay Newton about it. Hell, I even got so jazzed that I set up a Vox account and then… (fizzle). I never posted a single thing. At that time I convinced myself that I didn’t need to “blog” mostly because I remembered all the very good reasons I stopped blogging in the first place:

  1. My family hated me: it not a good idea to talk trash about your family on your blog; especially if you are young, stupid and rude. Believe it or not you may hurt your mom’s feeling and seriously regret what you wrote later.
  2. No one would date me: sure at first it might sound like a turn on to have your love life read like a soap opera but guys have sensitve egos and remember I was young, stupid and rude.
  3. I am not a good writer: although I have always hoped to improve this weakness I haven’t; so go ahead grammar queens don’t hold back feel free to call out all the typos and improper usage in the nice “comment” section.
  4. It just took too much freakin’ time: It did! Back in the day we didn’t have this fancy blog software. Hell it wasn’t even called a blog; we called it a website and we actually had to know HTML.

So less than two years ago; I decided I would feed my social bug via Twitter, Facebook and Flickr. This had suited me just fine until last Friday when the company I work for launched As a result, I spent the entire weekend reading mommy/daddy blogs and suprised myself by finding a wealth of information I had been craving.

So here I go again – attempting to blog. Now that I am married (five years this month) and trying to start a family; I hope to no longer be stupid or rude (young is another story).
